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Variable fuel surcharges apply to all shipments

This surcharge is based on the prices for aviation fuel on the Rotterdam spot market that are published by the US Department of Energy. Falling fuel prices reduce or completely cancel the surcharge. 

The surcharge will apply to the following shipping charges from 1st January 2022: Remote Area, Saturday Delivery, Residential Delivery, Large Package Surcharge, Oversize Packages, Additional Handling Charge, Peak Surcharges, UK Border Fee.

The surcharge is applicable in all countries serviced by DSV and is stated separately in the invoice per individual shipment.

Current and previous fuel surcharges:

 Period Surcharge
 June 2024 31,50%       
 May 2024 32,00%       
 April 2024 32,50%      
 March 2024 33,50%      
 February 2024 32,50%      
 January 2024 31,50%      



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