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DSV is the new number 1 in Top 100 Logistics Service Providers

In 2019, DSV was the runner-up in the Netherlands, in 2020 number 5 with minimal differences compared to numbers 2 to 4, but in 2021 DSV will undisputedly lead the list of the Top 100 Logistics Service Providers in the Netherlands. This makes DSV the new number 1 for the first time in fifteen years

Top 100 Logistiek Dienstverleners 2021

A major achievement due to the knowledge, skills and commitment of all colleagues

Today has been announced during the Logistics Services Summit 2021, which is organized annually by, that DSV is the new number 1 in the Top 100 Logistics Service Providers. 

Based on the report of the expert members, a team of sixteen experts, DSV has definitely made the difference this year. Not only in the factual aspects such as turnover, number of employees and square meters, but especially in qualitative aspects such as digitization, sustainability, innovation in management style and being attractive on the labour market. Kees Verweij of Buck Consultants International puts it this way on behalf of the expert members:

This has been assessed by a panel of independent experts. For example, DSV works with an independent Luminate Control Tower, which can be used to solve disruptions in the supply chain via machine learning software, among other things. There are also innovative applications in the field of work and training, such as an individual training program and a generation pact. In addition, DSV also distinguishes itself in the field of innovation with the maximum score of five stars on the innovation themes.

On behalf of DSV in the Netherlands, Peter van der Maas, Executive Vice President DSV Solutions Benelux, is extremely proud of all employees in all branches within all the divisions of DSV in the Netherlands:

This is a collective achievement of stature. In the turbulent year 2020, our employees have constantly delivered their knowledge, expertise and commitment to the benefit of our customers, despite all the guidelines and restrictions. Simultaneously, we have been able to continue to innovate and digitize together with our customers and suppliers, but certainly also to further expand our approach to sustainability and sustainable employability.


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Erwin Peeters