Global Transport and Logistics
Välj land

Välj land


Important notes before your delivery

Please be available on the address and by phone on the booked hours of delivery
You need to be able to show a valid ID upon delivery
The delivery will be unloaded on the boundary of the property lot, provided that the road is accessible for a truck.
It is recommended to have help to carry the goods if it is heavy, or the service of carry in is not booked with DSV prior to your delivery. - Please note
   that due to the circumstances regarding Covid-19 we cannot offer any carry in services.
All changes or additional services need to be notified to DSV by the sender before the shipment has been booked for delivery. This includes change of
   address, delivery without signatures and carry in services. 

FAQ – Frequently asked questions regarding your home delivery from DSV

Can I change my delivery day?
- Yes. We traffic most districts every day. There are a few areas we only traffic 1-3 days a week. The delivery time is always the same in the area, regardless of the delivery date.

Can I change the delivery time or have a more specific delivery time?
- Unfortunately, this is not possible. Our delivery times are set between 4-8 hours span. 

Can I change the delivery address? 
- As the receiving costumer you need to look into the possibility to change the address with your sender. Please note that there may be additional costs.

Can someone else receive the shipment?
- Yes, if the person has availability to may show valid IDs for the both of you. 

Will the driver call before the delivery? 
- Yes, the driver calls you about 30 minutes before the delivery arrives. 

Can the shipment be delivered without signature? 
- Please contact your sender regarding delivery without signature.

Can I book the delivery with carry in? 
- You need to contact your sender to upgrade the shipment with carry in services. Please note that this need to be confirmed by your sender before the delivery is booked.

Can I change the phone number on the shipment? 
- To change your phone number, please contact DSV’s costumer customer service either by phone or e-mail via below channel of contact.

Can I pick up my goods on the terminal? 
It is possible to pick up shipments on most of our terminals. If you can make the choice to pick the shipment up in the notification you received, we can guarantee this. When you pick the shipment up you need to be able to report your shipment number and a valid ID. If someone else picks the shipment up for you, they need to be able to show both your and their own valid ID.

- If you book to pick up the shipment on the terminal you will receive a text message with all the information you need. 

Who do I contact regarding viewpoints on my delivery? 
You can always contact our customer service with your feedback/question on mail: and we will get back to you.

Contact information for DSV Road's customer service concerning domestic general cargo

If you wish to get in touch with DSV's customer service for questions regarding your goods, please contact the customer service department according to contact information below.

Our opening hours are weekdays between 08:00 and 16:30

If you wish to email DSV's customer service, you are welcome to do so via:

You can also reach our Central Customer service on phone: 0046 (0)8-609 52 50

If you have been in contact with our customer service and you are not pleased with the handling of your errand, or if you have other notions, please contact DSV via e-mail;