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Get ready for CARM. Register now.

Learn more and register in the CARM Client Portal ahead of its implementation , October 2024. Get all the latest news and resources you need to know about The CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) project and how it affects you! We are here to help you make a successful transition to CARM.

CARM news

Keep your supply chains flowing and register in the CARM Client Portal ahead of its implementation, Oct 2024.

CARM affects all importers. Registration through CBSA’s Client Portal is mandatory.

We are here to help you make a successful transition to CARM! 
Please reach out to our dedicated CARM team with any questions:

What is CARM?

The CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management (CARM) project is a multi-year initiative that will modernize how the CBSA assesses and collects duties and taxes on commercial goods imported into Canada and manages revenue. 
Once fully implemented, CARM will streamline and automate business processes and offer online self-service tools to help the trade community do business in Canada.

How will this affect importers? 

CARM affects all importers. The new CARM initiative is mandatory for all importers, exporters, and non-resident importers to participate in as of its implementation date scheduled for Oct 2024. 

Without an active CARM account, you will not be able to import goods into Canada. CARM will provide importers with online access to their trade information, account balances, duty and tax collection, direct payment solutions, and a myriad of trade tools that simplify their importing processes.

Importers will be expected to make a monthly duty and tax payment to CBSA based on their CARM statement of account each month.  
Brokers will no longer be billing duties/taxes to importers. 

Learn more 

Register today! 

CARM affects all importers. Registration through CBSA’s Client Portal is mandatory. 
As an importer you must register for the CARM Client Portal, and delegate authority to your Customs Broker, before CARM’s implementation in Oct 2024. The Launch of CARM Release 2 will begin its roll-out this fall. 

Sign in or register on CBSA’s Client Portal 

Launch of CARM Release 2 will take effect this October. 

CARM will become the official system of record for the collection of duties and taxes. This will include: 
changes to the Release Prior to Payment (RPP) program

Questions about how to Register for CARM and/or how it will affect your shipments?

Contact us

Latest CBSA News: 

April 19, 2024 - CBSA phasing in CARM: launching internally for CBSA use as planned in May and later in the fall for trade chain partners.


What you need to know about CARM 

An overview of  helpful info & links about
The CBSA Assessment and Revenue Management initiative.

  • What is CARM? 

     CARM is a multi-year initiative that will modernize how the CBSA assesses and collects duties and taxes on commercial goods imported into Canada and manages revenue.

     CARM affects all importers and will streamline and automate business processes and offer online self-service tools to help the trade community do business in Canada.

  • How will CARM affect importers? 

    CARM affects all importers.

    The new CARM initiative is mandatory for all importers, exporters, and non-resident importers to participate in as of May 13th 2024.

    Without an active CARM account, you will not be able to import goods into Canada. 

    Importers will be expected to make a monthly duty and tax payment to CBSA based on their CARM statement of account each month.

  • Sign in and Register today! 

    Registration through CBSA’s Client Portal by April 26th is mandatory.

    As an importer, you must register for the CARM Client Portal, and delegate authority to your Customs Broker, before CARM’s blackout period goes into effect from April 26 to May 13, 2024. The Launch of CARM Release 2 is effective May 13th, 2024.

    Are you ready for CARM? Register now...

Any questions?

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