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In South Africa, DSV has a special division dedicated to secure transport. If you order a new credit card from your bank, chances are it will be delivered to you by DSV.

The Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) also needs secure transport and logistics. It needed to organise the most complex election since 1994 when the country’s first democratic elections were held. This time it was municipal elections nationwide.

IEC chose DSV to distribute all the stationery & security packs. These packs included all the security materials to be used at the voting stations – envelopes, voting slips and six security items all had to arrive exactly on time as well as securely.

It was all planned with military-type precision despite the fact that various court rulings led to a three month delay, meaning DSV had to keep everything very securely stored while the legal processes ran their course.

But on time delivery was not enough. IEC also insisted on tracking and linking each bag to each voting station. The bags were also tamper-proof.

“The elections were a huge success and DSV’s involvement was a big contribution to this success!" - IEC

Some key facts and figures

  • 26,333,353 voters registered, the highest in South African history.
  • The IEC employed around 120,000 staff for the project.
  • There were 22,612 voting stations nationally.
  •  77,034 tamper proof bags containing security material packs were transported

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