Download our expert insights on different topics in the industry
Our white papers are written by industry specialists in DSV in collaboration with external experts from the transport and logistics industry. This ensures an unbiased, thorough view of the different topics.
The topics cover everything from warehouse-related issues to industry-specific topics. Common for all our white papers is that they provide you with in-depth knowledge about do’s and don’ts in our industry.
Thought leadership
Africa’s oil & gas industry growth
How DSV and other private sector patners are helping drive economic development in Africa. -
Moving eCommerce forward
Logistics reshaping the retail environment -
Moving life-saving blood
Supporting The South African National Blood Service (SANBS) Mission -
Clearing the air
DSV's journey to cutting emissions on SA's roads -
Towards zero-error warehouse management
Unleashing the power of autonomous inventory management -
Ensuring freshness every step of the way
Navigating transportation of perishable goods -
Africa's riches beneath the surface
Specialized transport logistics in the mining sector
White papers
7 pitfalls of logistics contract management
Seven pitfalls to avoid in logistics contract management. -
10 deadly sins in warehouse outsourcing
A 10-point checklist for warehouse outsourcing. -
How to manage aerospace logistics, supply chains and transports. -
How to optimise for efficiency. -
Cargo insurance
What is cargo insurance and when do you need it? -
Cold chain logistics
Our expert approach to Cold Chain Logistics -
Control towers
What control towers can do for your supply chain. -
Dangerous goods
What you need to know. -
Incoterms and insurance needs
What Incoterms® are and how they affect liability and the need for insurance. -
The rules for Incoterms® - 2020
They are standard sets of global trading terms and conditions to help when goods are bought, sold and transported. -
Indian customs
Navigating customs and regulations. -
Logistics contract negotiation
How to negotiate. -
Out of stock, out of mind
Managing stock levels in fashion and sports retailing. -
What you need to know.
Any questions?
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